Custom Design
You have that awkward corner or low beam that catches people out from time to time, you've put up a sign warning people about it, you've even tried cones, tape and maybe even a piece of carpet. The reality is it's not going away and none of the above are long term or real solutions. What's the solution? Custom Design padding!
Stubbed toes, busted knees and sore heads should be wiped out. 9 times out of 10 we can make a custom design padding solution to cover up those awkward spots. We like a challenge and like to make new shapes pads.
We're happy to look at your custom design because sometimes square, rectangular or round isn't enough and you need a special custom designed pad.
Just like our post protectors we 'make to fit'. For example you may have an odd shaped bench that you want a seat pad for or you may need flat circular floor pads for a curved floor area or perhaps you have an odd shaped obstacle that needs covering for safety reasons as mentioned above.
What about that low ceiling beam that you, your staff and customers hit their head on. We have the solution!
Custom shapes
In some instances padding needs to be specially designed to a specific custom shape.
Using the wrong shaped padding to save money is pointless as you end up with something that looks horrible, is clearly to loose or to tight and so you end up with padding that perishes far to quickly (as discussed in our blog post 10 Reasons to install post protectors)
Designing the pad to fit will help the padding last much longer, look neater and it won't look hideous.
For those one-off or special designs we can help you make it happen. If you send us a copy of what you need covering we will take it from there.
You may have drawings, sizes or photos of what you need covering. There's always a solution and we'll work with you to this end.
We use the same materials as we do with all of our safety or fun foam products which is a high impact foam covered in a waterproof PVC fabric material as standard.
From a single one-off custom design pad too as many as you need we'd love to see what you need to cover. Whatever it is you have in mind get in touch and we'll see what we can do to help you out!